Christian Musings




This mega volume is dedicated to the two people who have most blessed its preparation and completion. That is Cindy Fitzgerald and Rosemarie McKee affectionately known to all as Marie.

For Cindy Fitzgerald, there are no superlatives powerful enough to express her contribution to this endeavor. Her never diminishing willingness and joy in doing what she has done during these last 22 years, of typing every word, has to have been by God’s directed will in her heart. This typing was not only of this volume, but also the 850+ page first book.

To Marie for her nearly 15 years of continued praise and appreciation for what God has given me to communicate through these writings because of her undiminished enthusiasm through 3 churches and over 12 years of eager participation in our group Bible studies. Her love for our Lord and eagerness to know all that she can about Him and His ways has often been an inspiration to me during my darkest days.