Purpose Statement
Christian musings are a collection of my writings as a Biblical Christian who only came to the faith in 1997 after a lifetime of denial of the existence of saving grace. These writings are the result of my passion for God’s incredible inerrant Word, the Holy Bible. As I studied, and through the Holy Spirit, grew in understanding of His Word, I felt a great eagerness to share what I had learned. These essays are the result of that persuasion. They are thoughts and ideas derived from, or prompted by, the Scripture. Some are intended to be informative, while other provocative, but all are written in the spirit of love for God’s Word and a desire to share it.
As I broadened the borders of my studies, I became aware of, and very disturbed by what has been happening to His precious message in the printed media as well as on radio, T.V. and even from many pulpits. Seeing how His word has been watered down, twisted, distorted and misapplied, I believe that I have been persuaded by the Holy Spirit to compose many of these thoughts and commentaries in a manner which I pray will in some small way counter the pandemic disease of distortions, apostasy, and false teachings which so horribly afflict this country and the world. It is because scriptural illiteracy, apathy and deception are so rampant in these end times that such tragic conditions can prevail. Also it is because I grieve greatly for those who are unsaved, especially for those who believe they are saved, but are not, that these essays have now been put forth.
I pray that whoever reads these will do so with readiness of mind as in the spirit of Acts 17:11 and “…searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”
Any comments would be welcomed.